Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning


The National Technical University of Athens embraces the Sustainable Development Goals included in the 2030 Agenda and adopted by all United Nations Member States, and aims at promoting sustainable development for the welfare of the people and the environment. To this end, NTUA focuses on forming collaborations which invest on present and future generations and ensure the adoption of sustainable development practices across all its campuses and communities.

NTUA’s Senate Committee for Energy Management and Sustainable Development actively promotes communication and awareness-raising on aspects of sustainable development, enhances the commitment to sustainable practices, manages emerging system challenges and empowers novel approaches to a sustainable future through education, research, social engagement and operations.


NTUA envisages strong, collective, sustainable communities on and beyond its premises


NTUA embraces the principles of integrity, respect, responsibility, excellence and solidarity in liaison with the following axioms:

  1. Each and every NTUA member can make a positive impact on our common sustainable future.
  2. Each NTUA member’s identity is as valuable as their actions.
  3. NTUA stands by those defending equity in social, economic and environmental terms.
  4. NTUA defends the right to a sustainable future and the necessity to safeguard the natural and social environment.
  5. NTUA acknowledges that respect to our planet resources and interdependent living organisms is a prerequisite for sustainable development, upon which economic prosperity and welfare depend.